De Modules Notes

Mutable Instruments Peaks

Four more things

Hold the FUNCTION button for one second (it starts blinking). Peaks now provides four alternative functions instead of envelope/LFO/tap LFO/drum generation. These functions are:

  • Mini step-sequencer (4-step in twin mode, 2-step in split mode)
  • Trigger delay/shaper
  • Trigger stream randomizer
  • Digital drum synth


Alternative ADSR function, TWIN & EXPERT: 4-step minisequencer. Each knob controls a step. Channel 1 is clocked by TRIG 1 and reset by TRIG 2. Channel 2 is clocked by TRIG 2:

  • Ch. 1/2 Step 1
  • Ch. 1/2 Step 2
  • Ch. 1/2 Step 3
  • Ch. 1/2 Step 4

Alternative ADSR function, SPLIT: Dual 2-step minisequencer. Knobs 1&2 control channel 1′s steps, knobs 3&4 channel 2′s steps. There is no reset, and each channel has its clock.

  • Ch. 1 Step 1
  • Ch. 1 Step 2
  • Ch. 2 Step 1
  • Ch. 2 Step 2

Alternative LFO function, TWIN & EXPERT:

  • Ch. 1/2 Pre-delay
  • Ch. 1/2 Gate duration
  • Ch. 1/2 Delay
  • Ch. 1/2 Number of repeats

Alternative LFO function, SPLIT:

  • Ch. 1 Delay
  • Ch. 1 Number of repeats
  • Ch. 2 Delay
  • Ch. 2 Number of repeats

Alternative TAP function, TWIN & EXPERT:

  • Ch. 1/2 Probability that an incoming trigger is processed
  • Ch. 1/2 Probability that the trigger is regenerated after the delay
  • Ch. 1/2 Delay time
  • Ch. 1/2 Jitter

Alternative TAP function, SPLIT:

  • Ch. 1 Acceptance/regeneration probability
  • Ch. 1 Delay
  • Ch. 2 Acceptance/regeneration probability
  • Ch. 2 Delay

Alternative DRUM function, TWIN & EXPERT:

  • Ch. 1/2 frequency
  • Ch. 1/2 FM intensity
  • Ch. 1/2 FM and AM envelope decay time (the FM envelope has a shorter decay than the AM envelope, but

the two values are tied to this parameter)

  • Ch. 1/2 Color. At 12 o’clock, no modification is brought to the oscillator signal. Turn right to increase the amount of noise (for snares). Turn left to increase the amount of distortion (for 909 style kicks).

Alternative DRUM function, SPLIT:

  • Ch. 1 BD presets morphing
  • Ch. 1 BD presets variations
  • Ch. 2 SD presets morphing
  • Ch. 2 SD presets variations

Dead Man's Catch modified firmware for Peaks

Easter Egg

Three long presses on both the SPLIT and FUNCTION buttons starts a “number station”. The pots are controlling pitch, transition probability, noise and distortion.

There is also a fifth mode in the source code: Bouncing ball. A hidden mode for hackers and programmers :D