De Modules Notes

Mutable Instruments Tides

Tide faceplate

Easter Egg

A hidden Plotter drawing mode. It draws a plotter that can be edited in the source code (plotter_program.h).

To enter: Add a cable to the FM and Level Input. Now press the top (mode) button 1 second. All leds light yellow. Press it again for one second. All leds light green. Now press the button bellow (the range button) and all LEDs should light red.

You have now entered the plotter mode. To see the plotter, best use a oscilloscope like the “Jones O’Tool Oscilloscope module”.




The 1ms version has a hack that increases the duration of the pulses generated on LOW/HIGH TIDE outputs, so that they are at least 1ms long. It’s less “correct”, but it can help triggering some analog modules.


Tide Sheep faceplate


+ A built-in quantizer with a choice of 7 scales

○○○: No quantization
●○○: Semitones
○●○: Major
●●○: Minor
○○●: Whole tones
●○●: Pentatonic minor
○●●: Poor pentatonic
●●●: Fifths


a silky 14-voices harmonic oscillator with two spectral bumps or notches, control over centroids and width, harmonics selection, wave quality, a sub-oscillator, a 1-bit output, and a special harmonics shuffling output for unusual, random timbres.

Tide Parasite Two Bumps faceplate


a complex duophonic random walk generator with selectable interpolation, driven by two altered clocks: one is jittery, the other simulates a biased coin toss. This mode is quite versatile and can be used as: an oscillator with PLL, a Bernoulli gate, a random trigger delay, a stepped, smooth or waveshaped random voltage generator, a random burst generator, a surprising filtered noise source... and probably more!

Tide Parasite Two Drunks faceplate



CV input calibration

Parasite only : The calibration procedure is not accessed as in the stock firmware anymore (its space is now taken by the quantizer). To calibrate, turn on the module while holding the Range knob. For the rest, follow the procedure of the official manual.

This automatic procedure calibrates the V/Oct input (scale and offset), the FM input (offset), and the level input (offset).

  • Set the FREQUENCY knob to its center position.
  • Connect a patch cable to the FM input. Leave the other end of the cable unplugged (this prevents the normalling to ~1 semitone to be activated).
  • Connect a patch cable to the Level input. Leave the other end of the cable unplugged (this prevents the normalling to full scale to be activated).
  • Connect a MIDI>CV interface or precision voltage source to the V/Oct input.
  • Hold the Mode switch (A) for one second. All LEDs are lit in yellow.
  • Play a C2 note, or send a 1V voltage from your CV source.
  • Press the mode switch (A). All LEDs are lit in green.
  • Play a C4 note, or send a 3V voltage from your CV source.
  • Press the mode switch (A).

The module is now calibrated for accurate V/Oct operation!