De Modules Notes

Mutable Instruments Tides

Easter Egg

A hidden Plotter drawing mode. It draws a plotter that can be edited in the source code (plotter_program.h).

To enter: Add a cable to the FM and Level Input. Now press the top (mode) button 1 second. All leds light yellow. Press it again for one second. All leds light green. Now press the button bellow (the range button) and all LEDs should light red.

You have now entered the plotter mode. To see the plotter, best use a oscilloscope like the “Jones O’Tool Oscilloscope module”.




The 1ms version has a hack that increases the duration of the pulses generated on LOW/HIGH TIDE outputs, so that they are at least 1ms long. It’s less “correct”, but it can help triggering some analog modules.

