De Modules Notes

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Here's the breakdown of the Banks: 0 through 7: 24 Random Stations pulled from the entirety of the Tumblr collection. 8 and 9: 16 Stations from the recordings donated by Rob. 10: Only 3 Stations, all of the 'Angry Cabin Guy'. 11: Only 5 Stations, all of the 'Midwestern Sex Girls'. 12: Only 3 Stations, all from 'Bonnie, Keep the Kids'. 13: 11 Stations, all about illnesses. 14: 38 Stations, all with vulgarity. 15: 13 Stations about Technology, UFOs, Xenophobia, Terrorism and Drugs.

Banks 8 through 15 contain the same recordings as 0 through 7, but are organized in a more structured way.

Super Weird SDs by Mr_Mojo_Risin

Nearly 5 GB of raw headerless *.WAV files organized in 16 folders for use with Radio Music. This collection contains a lot of bizarre shtuff. Shouting Evangelists, Poetry Readings, Comedy, Spoken Word, Sound FX, Interviews, LSD Prophesy and more. No Instruments... No Drum Loops. Just a bunch of really screaming goo yo weird screaming goo yo shtuff. PDF cheat sheet included.


Creating files for the SD card with audacity[modifier]

thanks to Mr_Mojo_Risin

22254 audacity audio rates 1.jpg

Batch conversion[modifier]

did anyone try to batch convert samples with linux? There is this tool: i think it can do everything we need: ile-Structure i dont really get the syntax of sox right now. would make live much easier... and is just a little shell script to help filling the SD card. 

Alternative firmwares[modifier]

bug exterminator[modifier]

Other Links[modifier]

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