❤ Megaloceros

Ας κανείς δεν κάνει, αν επιθεωρητή


* Ponoko Showroom : 



* our soundclouds, the stupid familly :

1. Idiot Design https://soundcloud.com/idiot-design is full then :
2. Andy https://soundcloud.com/andy-a6 is full with one long Alsesis Andromeda demo, then go to :
3. LaikaLaika : https://soundcloud.com/laikalaika this is our 3rd soundcloud, when full we will create the next one.
4. Soon : https://soundcloud.com/user53953636 This is the next one, empty for the momment because all the other are not full lol

we never, ever delete anything from our clouds, because it may be linked somewhere and we hate broken links 


* ourtubes :

our infinite PornTube :http://www.youtube.com/user/heodesalciphron

another one less infinite but more buffo :  http://www.youtube.com/user/staguerl


* our facebooks :

follow me :


Dreyt Nien Da old worlds : https://www.facebook.com/trobatzendurmen

Torann Impure Industrial Noise : https://www.facebook.com/torannindustrie

a friend for noisewords : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-dendrobate-magn%C3%A9tique/150763171675869


The Lord, of all Wogglebugs : http://www.musicsynthesizer.com/diy/grant/grant_richters_synthdiy.htm  DEAD check the internets archive : https://web.archive.org/web/20140810101425/http://www.musicsynthesizer.com/DIY/Grant/grant_richters_synthdiy.htm

very anormal instruments : http://gieskes.nl/
beautifull instruments : http://ericarcher.net/
René Schmitz, smart instruments : http://www.schmitzbits.de/


SDIY list :
